Session: 2 for 1: Python on the Web: An Intro to Django

Jess Mack – Python on the Web: An Intro to Django

Attendee Take Aways:

  • What is Django
  • What are some of the appealing features of Django
  • How does it compare and/or work with other frameworks (ex. using React for the frontend and Django for the backend)
  • Some of the most popular packages based on common uses for Django (ex. DRF for building APIs)

As Python has risen in popularity, Django has emerged as one of the most popular web frameworks.

This talk will be an overview of the framework including comparisons to other current popular frameworks.

Jake Dohm – Svelte is Life

Svelte has gained popularity this year as an alternative to the big JS frameworks. The Svelte hype-train has left the station and there are some really compelling reasons why. It differs from React/Vue/Angular in some major ways. It compiles to DOM manipulation code directly, instead of bundling a Virtual DOM implementation, and it leverages a compiler to allow for a beautiful syntax for templating and reactivity.

In this talk, we’ll take a journey through the best parts of Svelte, the tradeoffs that it requires, and why you might reach for it on a project.
