Session: Easy Microservice Debugging on Kubernetes with Telepresence
Many organizations adopt cloud native development practices with the goal of shipping features faster. The technologies and architectures may change when we move to the cloud, but the fact remains that we all still add the occasional bug to our code. The challenge here is that many of your existing local debugging tools and practices can’t be used when everything is running in a container or deployed onto Kubernetes running in the cloud. This is where the open source Telepresence tool can help.
Join me to learn about:
- The challenges with scaling Kubernetes-based development i.e. you can only run so many microservices locally before minikube melts your laptop
- An exploration of how Telepresence can “intercept” or reroute traffic from a specified service in a remote K8s cluster to your local dev machine
- The benefits of getting a “hot reload” fast feedback loop between applications being developed locally and apps running in the remote environment
- A tour of Telepresence, from the sidecar proxy deployed into the remote K8s cluster to the CLI
- An overview of using “preview URLs” and header-based routing for the sharing, collaboration, and isolation of changes you are making on your local copy of an intercepted service