Ask Us Anything – 4 sessions scheduled

Given the current situation with COVID and a little different ATO format this year (in-person and virtual) we know many people have questions.

ATO Chair Todd Lewis and other team members will be present at each session

And to help out, we’ve scheduled 4 Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions with organizers.

In short, the ATO team will be available each week to answer your questions live and in-person via a Zoom session.  Each session will be one (1) hour and will start at 12 noon ET. 

Here is the AMA schedule along with a link to register for each. They’re free of course and the sign-up literally takes 1  minute. This helps us plan each one more accurately (we can allocate more time if there are a lot of questions, etc.). 

We sincerely hope our community, and maybe those new to it, will join us and fire away.

Session #1

Tuesday, September 21

12 noon ET


Session #2

Tuesday, September 28

12 noon ET


Session #3

Tuesday, October 5

12 noon ET

Session #4

Tuesday, October 12

12 noon ET
